Gene Wilder

Christmas Stories About The Story

Of Magic and Mangers

Of Magic and Mangers is a collection of poignant and heart-warming short stories celebrating the true spirit of Christmas.

As if looking into some magical mirror, you will see yourself in the characters of these stories; and as story characters grapple with real-life issues, you will surprisingly discover that your real-life issues intersect with those addressed in the age-old biblical story. As each story ends, the hope, love, joy, and peace that surrounded Bethlehem’s manger will come to rest in your heart.

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An Examination of The Lord's Supper

More Than Bread and Wine

Few acts of worship embody more meaning and spiritual intimacy than the Lord’s Supper; and while traditions and theologies surrounding this sacred event vary from one Christian group to another, the act itself is a universal tie that binds Christians around the world.

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